
Monday, December 17, 2012

"Christmas Time is Here"

I am sitting in one of my friend's house (we have been house sitting since last Wednesday, I like it, Ron is excited to go to our home) and listening to Sarah McLachlin and her Christmas album, trying to decide what I want to make for dinners and what I need to buy to make those things and where to buy them.

I had goals this Christmas, things I wanted to become traditions. I hope that I can still accomplish them before the actual day of Christmas.
-Make  a gingerbread house with my love.
- Drop off goodie plates/bags to a handful of people who I have come to love much in this mortal journey.
- See my best friend (she gets here on Thursday, hopefully) and her family
- Attend the temple before Christmas
- Ponder and make a decision on what my gift to Christ will be this next year.

Writing about these things makes me feel that I can actually still accomplish what I wanted to. Hooray for adjusting expectations. It is one of the best qualities a person can possess and I think I am starting to accomplish things.

On to another note:
I taught Relief Society yesterday and it was so poignant. The lesson was titled, "Righteous Living in Perilous Times". There were two people there that are not members of my congregation. I hope that they were able to feel of what the message was: We can have peace amid such wickedness. It will be hard to maintain, but it is not unconquerable. It means making and keeping commitments. It means in essence living the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I have thought about the hard things that have happened in the world this past couple of weeks: two shootings, one school stabbing are just some of the big headlines. We haven't heard about the person who was murdered in our city or the various people who passed away tragically, unexpected, finally after long bouts with cancer. There is much sorrow in the world it seems. I don't wish to dwell upon them, not because I want to block them out, but because I wish to dwell upon goodness that is still going on amidst such wickedness. I was watching a talk show the other day (haven't watched it until or since that day) but they were discussing transgender children. There was a child on there, who is 7, and has male genitalia, but looks exactly like a girl. He believes God only messed up on one thing and that was his reproductive organs. He wants and believes he is a girl. His parents have given in and treated him like a girl. But there was something that came to mind when I was watching this along with reading an article written by a mother of a 13 year old boy who struggles with lots of things. I have a best friend who has a son like this, however he is only 4.5 years old. Super smart, but has lots of breakdowns.

I think about the challenges people face in this mortal experience. Some things are so hard. Some things are not. But I find that the only real thing that brings sense to it all is the Gospel of Jesus Christ. And it is not just doctrine, it is PERSONAL SPIRITUAL HABITS. Every day contact with Deity. Checking in, talking with them, talking with the person you made a covenant with (your spouse). If you don't have a spouse, it is finding people to talk to. It is becoming clearer and clearer that one cannot solely rely upon their previous witnesses to help them ride out the waves of life. It is reaffirming those witnesses everyday, and when the Giver of those experiences gives those reassurances (after much asking usually) we express deep gratitude for them. My heart does weep in its silent chambers for the sorrow of man. However, my heart rejoices because of the deliverance of the Almighty, who is full of grace and truth. We will make it out of here alive, if we choose to.

Christmas time is here. Happiness and cheer. Even though the real Christmas is April 6th, I am grateful for a world that still has goodness in it. Be of Good Cheer my friends. Our future is as bright as our faith.


1 comment:

  1. I love that you mentioned RS. Church was AMAZING yesterday. All the meetings were centered around forgiveness and hope. Those lessons were set in stone last year and yet we just happened to have them after such a horrible week in our nation? I don't think so. Our Father in heaven knew what was to come and He prepared a way for us to cope.
