
Sunday, September 30, 2012

Survival of the Fitest

We have made it to Washington.

Lets just say, THIS IS THE RIGHT PLACE FOR US TO BE! Everything has fallen into place. People are so friendly. Our ward is just like our previous ward: Seasoned with the flavor of life and are so willing to help. I found a job and I start tomorrow. Ron loves his job and feels good about the direction it is going. We have a great apartment. Just the right size for just the right price. It makes me think of the apartment I lived in for a 1/3 of my mission: Fontana. Not the worst area, but not the best. Just in the middle.

I love that it is green everywhere. I love that there are still mountains around (Mt. Hood, Mt. Saint Helens is not too far away, you can see it on a clear day). I love the crisp, cool fall weather. I love that there are weirdos here.

Things I miss about Utah:
The red rock-even though I only went to Moab once, I love the red rock and I think it would look great next to the green.
MY FRIENDS- I was thinking that I should set up a skype date with my girlfriends and their kids. Because I can actually attend now (I am working swing shifts).
My family- I love being where we are now, but I miss being physically proximate to my family. I know this is going to be a lot harder to keep in touch and make the effort. I really took for granted how close they were. Now it is a 12 hour drive to get to them. Not too bad, all things considered, but still, 3.5 tanks of gas :(.

Those are just a couple of thoughts. Love to all.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

So Long, Farewell

Today I was visiting some of my favorite people on earth. It was such a delightful day. Friends that I haven't seen in a really long time, and ones that I will probably not see for another long time. I must say, one in particular apologized for not keeping better contact. I told her, "But you are not the type of friend I have to talk to everyday so I can fill fulfilled." I love that about this friend. (Shawna)

There were a couple of things I was retaught today. Here they are:
1) Really this life is about rediscovering who you are (an offspring of Deity), recognizing that it is really him who gives you all that you have, that happiness is dependent upon Obedience to Truth (almost always), and that if you have the pure love of Christ in your life, you are motivated to do anything it takes to get home.
2) I have decided that there is a reason I don't have a lot of super close friends. Really when it comes down to it, I don't like negativity in my life. So if you present that to me, I don't really want to be around you. Sorry for you, but not sorry for me. I CHOOSE happiness! I CHOOSE goodness! So, sorry if you don't choose the same things, because I feel sorrow for you. Your life could be so much happier.  Light attracts light. Darkness attracts darkness. I choose light. And if you don't respond with a beacon, I usually just don't continue the association. Just saying.
3) If you don't know the whole situation, give or take a grain of salt with the situation. Don't throw down someone's experience just because it is not your own. If someone present's an idea, take it in, process it, and then place it appropriately.
and Lastly
4) If people communicate a clear signal to you that they don't know something, do not give them the service of having you pound something into their heads by repetition. This might work with a child, but adults are adults. If you have that much pride that you can't get over the fact that they didn't know something, or they didn't accept what you had to say, get the (________________) over it. There is probably a reason someone is doing what they are doing, and until you have been commanded to tell that person otherwise, leave it alone. Who are you to play the role of God to others? Seriously people, get over yourselves.

This is my last post from Utah.

I will write again when I get to Washington.