
Saturday, September 28, 2013

Faith, Hope, Charity

So this isn't a baby update. That is in a week and a day. But there have been many things on my mind and I wanted to write them out. It's kinda long. Basically, It is a part of my witness (testimony) of truth! Read at your own risk.

I have a boss, K, who came out and did annual inspections with me on Thursday. (Quick update: I am an apartment manager for a 51-unit complex). After a long day (like from 9 to 3 straight) my boss left. I told her we (Ron and I) were going on a date to Lake Oswego. She wished me luck. I didn't tell her that I was going to the Temple with my husband because I didn't feel like explaining what it was all about. While we were doing inspections we came across a good handful of religious people (the decor in their homes were a dead give away). I asked her if she was religious. She answered no. During the endowment session all I could think about was my boss. She is a single 32 year old woman who lives alone and works super hard. I thought about what would happen if she joined the church. I thought about how being a single adult in our church is really hard. Anything outside of the "normal" is hard. With all that being said, the answer I kept getting was "Hope". The Savior brings Hope to all of God's children. As long as we are making and keeping covenants, we have hope, and we are not lost. We are known to the Great Shepherd.

Which brings me to my next thought: I want to make it home. And the only way I can do that is by following truth and eternal laws. Today I went to the library and before going in, I was stopped by a couple of people asking if I supported Same-Sex Marriage in the state of Oregon. I had to stop and think about what they were asking because I was rushing. But this is how I responded: "I believe in equal rights, but I also believe in the institution of Marriage." I love that in a simple, non-offensive, but straightforward way, I was able to share my beliefs with others not of my faith. Too often I find it hard to "open my mouth" and share the knowledge that I have gained through personal experience. I know that Marriage is ordained of God and that anything that goes against eternal law (in this case the Law of Chastity) is not what I want.

Which brings me to my last thought: the annual general Relief Society meeting that occurs every last Saturday of September. Tonight they especially focused on making and keeping covenants and how our love for Jesus Christ is indicative of our love for him and Heavenly Father. It has become clearer to me how much God really loves His children and how he has made it possible to return to live with Him. In the endowment session with Ron, I felt the love of Heavenly Father and how important it is to him that all of his children who choose to live with him, come back to him.

Like so many other times, words fail me this evening. I have been greatly edified by the Spirit and its personal teachings to me of what this life is truly about, of how I want to get back to Heavenly Father and how to go about help others who want to return to him, return to him.

These are some of the things I KNOW:
-I am a daughter of God.
-I can return to live with him someday.
-There has been a plan given so I can become like him.
-He loves me more than any words can express. And he loves all of his children that way.
-I love him and I show him this love by making and keeping promises with him to live the way he has commanded me to live.
-The promises I have made are real and binding. They bring me peace and hope and courage to endure to the end.
-I want to live my life in a way that people can tell I love God and that that is what will bring them most happiness in this life.
-I want to shout it from the rooftops that I know God lives and loves us and has given us a way to be truly happy and return to live with him FOREVER.

These are just SOME of the things I know. I believe all things, I hope all things, I have endured many things, and hope to be able to endure all things. If there is anything virtuous, lovely, or of good report, or praiseworthy, I seek after these things.

-Hannah Richins Beck


  1. Beautifully written, thanks for sharing...could feel the love and tenderness.

  2. I was thinking of an earlier conversation with a friend today, about Heavenly Father's love for us, as I was reading your post. My friend and I were discussing how sad it was that some members of our church actually believe they are not good enough. That they don't reach as high as others in the church that they see. As if they aren't worthy of certain blessings because of this. It was so nice to talk to this friend about it and her understand what I know to be true; that more than likely we are all going to make it. And I don't just mean to Heaven. I mean to the highest kingdoms therein. He loves us and I don't think we realize just how important it is to truly love others and serve them. THAT is what will get us to where we want to be when we leave this earth. Not being perfect on the outside. Not even by going to church but by loving others. Truly loving them. We only truly love others when we serve them, treat them with kindness, and right our worngs.

  3. Beautiful my dear. Very very inspiring.
