
Monday, January 14, 2013

Life is Weird...

(First of all, I want to clarify that everyone's life experiences are different and the following is just a generalization of my personal experiences)

Life is weird...

As children we so much ahead of us. We can, for the most part, do anything we want and be anyone we want to be. Even when we are just playing around we dream and play as Doctors, Lawyers, Superheroes, etc. We spend those first 5 years learning how to do the basics, then spend the next 10-15 years figuring out who we are. We go through high school and go through the most influential period of our lives to that point. Every little detail about our lives seems to matter and not getting what we want is devastating.

It isn't until after high school (Generally speaking) that we find out that our small and petty problems are nothing compared to many many others in the world who go through much harder trials. It is usually at this point that we start to understand life for the first time. We are not completely there yet, but we are starting to get it. We finally start to leave our selfish little world of our mind and explore the idea that others have just as many, if not more, problems then we do. Keep in mind that this does not make our problems disappear  but it does help make them lighter.

After we finally start to come into our own and accept ourselves we finally are able to accept another for who they are and find that we, in fact, where never whole without them; thus, we get married. Since this is really as far as I have traveled on the road of life I can't really say what the future holds. What I can say is that marriage brings on all sorts of new challenges and joys.

Ultimately, despite what experiences we have throughout our life we always, at any given time, think that we know about what it has to offer, and although I contradict myself because I too am in a stage of life as I say this; we never truly know what life has in store for us. It is full of ups and downs. It turns and meanders unpredictably, and although we can't predict the road we take; we can always determine where we are going.

I'm sure you're wondering, "Where did that come from?" I think it mostly came from the ever present changes that Hannah and I have experienced in our marriage. In our year and a half of being married we have moved 4 times and are contemplating moving again. So i guess I am just saying life is weird and you just cant predict it. :)


1 comment:

  1. Another fellow, "We think we are in the military", family.....welcome to the fold!
