
Thursday, August 11, 2011

Graduation....of all sorts

I graduated from Brigham Young University today. It is kind of crazy to think that I don't have to go to school in two weeks. All of the job interviews I have been going to have surely reminded me of the growth that comes with life milestones.

I also have another friend graduating, but not from BYU. She is one of the most kind people I have ever met in my life. When I was a little girl, I think it was 4th grade, I was really sick and she came and picked me up from school because she was the emergency contact on my records. She never did graduate from college, that I know of, but she was always learning. She has been a great influence in my life and I went to see her before my mission and after. She even came to my wedding reception, even though she has been sick with cancer. My sisters and I are planning to see her before she 'graduates'. I read two of her daughters blogs and I am amazed with how well they are preparing for the adjustment that comes after graduation. I was speaking to a good friend just the other day. She said something that really stuck out to me. "Hannah, I truly believe that the people sent to us in our lives, especially our families are here to help us, and we them, to become exalted." I witness of the truth of that statement.

I believe there is no interaction, day to day, in our very geography region, in our ecclesiastical areas, that is by mistake. We are supposed to meet everyone we come into contact with. My witnessing of this idea has grown over the years and gets stronger when I see people like my friend graduate. I love them, I miss them, and I look forward to that day when we can be reunited, not only symbolically like we are here, but literally and with full emotion.

I will miss my friend greatly and I want to become like her one day. I am grateful for truths that make me stretch and learn about the great school of my father. I am grateful for tender mercies that teach me so much and for classmates that make the curriculum bearable. I am grateful for a perfect principal who runs his university with exactness and perfection and I am grateful for being a student there.

1 comment:

  1. Hannah, thank you for sharing your testimony of something that is so dear to you. Congrats are in order for your Earthly work that led you to finishing school here and for your Heavenly learnings that are guiding you back to your Father. Sure do love you, Hannah.
